More than three million sharks are killed every year for their livers. Shark squalene, an oil derived from the shark’s liver, is commonly used as an adjuvant in vaccines. In order to supply enough squalene to vaccinate everyone against COVID-19, it’s estimated that half a million sharks would have to be killed, in order to meet the demand. Currently, five COVID-19 vaccine candidates use squalene as an adjuvant in their vaccine. Due to the already present demand for shark squalene, the increase in demand could bring some shark species to the brink of extinction. The adjuvant is also used in flu vaccines.
Adjuvants are used in vaccines to trigger your body’s immune response to the vaccine. They can often cause adverse reactions within vaccinees. Squalene has been linked to several potential health problems, like autoimmune issues, Rheumatoid arthritis, and narcolepsy.
Despite the mainstream narrative that the vaccine will save us from devastation, nothing could be further from the truth. The purpose of a vaccine is to catalyze your immune system to produce a protective response. The problem with the Warp Speed produced vaccine, with virtually all the safety stops removed, is that the risks far outweigh any benefits.
A Half-Million Sharks To Be Killed for COVID-19 Vaccine
The safety of a COVID-19 vaccine that has been produced this rapidly has been the concern of many people. Due to testing and trials, vaccines can take years, and sometimes more than a decade to develop.