This worldwide socioeconomic experiment is just fascinating to me. Oil is at something like negative $37 a barrel right now – meaning they’ll pay you to take it off their hands. Instead of “goodbye,” it’s now “stay safe.” The environment is showing incredible resiliency. People are cooking their own food at home. Almost every kid is homeschooled. People are spending more time with their families, less time driving, budgeting smarter (not buying useless crap), eating better, and in many other ways, people are just living better.
This is not to say that people aren’t suffering. For the most privileged, loneliness leading to depression is a big issue. For the less privileged, working through a pandemic that people believe can kill them can be stressful, to say the least – not to mention moms dealing with kids out of school and daycare, being stuck with abusive family members, etc.
But all-in-all, the virus seems a lot like the internet. It’s caused a lot of problems, but it’s also doing us a lot of good (like it or not), and it’s shining a spotlight on corruption and inadequacies (like those of the world’s financial systems).
For all of you conspiracy buffs, there’s a lot of really strange stuff happening too.
Hospitals Are Empty
Not all of them, but many hospitals, and even some hospitals in the hardest-hit areas, are doing very little business outside of the wards that are being used for COVID-19 cases.
One would likely think that with this pandemic and all of the job losses, the safest place to have a job would be at a hospital. One would be wrong.
This doesn’t seem to be talked about at all… People are losing their shifts and paychecks and jobs. We only had 5 people in the whole ER when they sent me home. My agency sent out an email blast basically saying that there are a lot of people struggling to find shifts.
ER nurse in Los Angeles
The media tells us that our national healthcare system pushed to the brink, yet emergency rooms are nearly empty.
Yale New Haven Hospital, where I work, has almost 300 people stricken with Covid-19, and the numbers keep rising — and yet we are not yet at capacity because of a marked decline in our usual types of patients. In more normal times, we never have so many empty beds.
Harlan M. Krumholz, M.D.
Why are hospitals empty? A few reasons. For one, electives have been canceled. But that doesn’t explain the empty emergency rooms. What else is going on?
Related: Economic Recession Will Likely Kill More Children Than Total Coronavirus Death Toll
Heart attacks, strokes, acute appendicitis, and acute gall bladder disease cases have reduced dramatically. Some suspect this may be a result of people not seeking healthcare when they need it due to financial concerns or fear of contracting the virus, but this doesn’t hold water. We would hear reports about the massive amounts of people dying at home and the people would be talking about it incessantly. But we’re not. So what’s going on? I have three hypotheses. First of all, as I already wrote, I think people are living better. I think this is the most significant variable, but, maybe people really are getting just as sick as they were getting before, but they’re not dying because hospitals kill people at a higher rate than the diseases they seek care for. It’s a pretty bold conclusion, but from a natural health perspective, it makes a lot of sense. The third one isn’t really a hypothesis; this is definitely happening. People dying from the aforementioned illnesses like heart failure are being categorized as COVID-19 deaths. And this makes sense. If someone has been suffering from a chronic autoimmune issue and they contract Coronavirus, who’s to say what killed them?
You probably know where we stand. It wasn’t the virus. But that’s how it’s going to be counted – maybe he or she would have lived another 20 years with a bad heart. But while this can account for a radical decrease in certain kinds of deaths like cardiac arrest, nobody’s blaming COVID-19 on appendixes bursting and many other diseases that are affecting us so much less frequently.
With poor testing, unscrupulous motives (from partisan governance to big pharma), and the many other complications involved, it will take years to get a real death toll, if ever.
But that’s not all. A recent study says Coronavirus has reduced California traffic accidents by half! If this is true for the entire country, that likely means that 1,500 people a month that would have died from car accidents since the shutdown did not die.
Related: Coronavirus – Your Guide to the CoVID-19 Pandemic
Coronavirus Has Been Amazing for the Environment
If coronavirus were an environmental activist there would be none better in the history of the world. This little tiny virus has cut world emissions by more than half for months! It brought the cost of oil down to negative numbers. It reduced human traffic and interference and it’s ruining the finances of some of the most polluting industries in the world. And the world is thanking us for it.
In China, it’s estimated that the Coronavirus lockdown likely saved around 77,000 lives thanks to air pollution reduction. I have the urge to say here that future environmental catastrophes will make the coronavirus look like a hiccup, but the reality is this pandemic is an environmental calamity caused, or at the very least exacerbated, by how we’ve treated the environment. And more pandemics are coming.
How many lives are being saved all over the world due to less air pollution? And how many lives will we have saved because we (hopefully!) take the lessons learned from this pandemic and apply them to our economy and how we treat ourselves and the environment?
Now you may be thinking, “Yeah, but I don’t see how you can claim millions of lives saved.” I think we’re over a million already, but for millions of lives saved, just consider the animal lives.
Since many believe the virus originated at a market selling wild animals in China, the spotlight is on the global wildlife trade. China wants to put a stop to illegal trafficking and poaching of wild animals. This would be especially good for the pangolins, the world’s most trafficked mammal, and the animal initially believed to have spread COVID-19 to humans.
In cities and towns across the world, wildlife has been exploring the deserted streets. Deer, monkeys, boars, and all kinds of animals are being spotted wandering around in large cities. Animals are able to reproduce more successfully. Pandas are even finally having sex!
How many lives do two months of radically reduced human intervention save in the world if you include all of the animals? Hard to say, but I think we’ve easily hit a million if we’re including mammals, reptiles, and birds.
But it’s not all good news for the environment. The EPA is barely functioning, if at all. There are plenty of bad actors taking advantage of lax oversite. And these monkeys are hungry and angry!
We Have To Learn To Live With It
Plus, there will be no working vaccine for the coronavirus and the many evolutions it goes through. It won’t work any better than the flu shot. And more viruses are coming.
Related: Supplements To Defend Against Coronavirus
We need strong immune systems. This requires eating well. Restaurants do not serve healthy food. Packaged food is almost never good for you. A lot of people are noticing how much better they feel physically with the slower-paced, less consumer-driven lifestyles most of us now lead. Healthy people aren’t dying from COVID-19, and they won’t be dying from COVID-29 or the next influenza or whatever ancient viruses we unleash next, whether it be from a lab or from the melting glaciers. Trillions of viruses rain down on us from the sky every day. Of course, the vast majority of them cannot affect us. But as we get more and more sickly with our ridiculous modern lifestyles, poor diets, and environmental destruction, we as a species will become more prone to novel viruses and other pathogens coming soon.
If you want to know how to have a strong immune system, fix your diet, fix your gut, exercise, and keep eating well. We’re looking at an economic collapse, the likes of which the world has never seen, and more pandemics along with a host of other environmental calamities are sure to come. Now is the time to fortify yourself.
Recommended Supplements:
Recommended Reading:
- How To Heal Your Gut
- Detox Cheap and Easy Without Fasting – Recipes Included
- Stop Eating Like That and Start Eating Like This – Your Guide to Homeostasis Through Diet