How about some common sense? Vaccines are toxic!
I met another parent whose normal, happy, healthy child received an MMR vaccination and was sucked into the vortex of autism. “One day he was normal, the next day it was lights out,” said his father. “You can’t tell me there is no connection between vaccinations and autism.”
Many, many parents have reported the same result. And yet, we are told to ignore these reports, that there is no scientific “proof” of a connection.
For a minute let’s ignore the reality that scientific studies regularly contradict one another and let’s ask ourselves, “What happened to common sense?” You stick your hand in the fire and it’s burned. You give a child a shot and the next day your child’s speech disappears, he withdraws from the world, and his life is irrevocably changed. You don’t need the scientific method to deduce cause and effect.
The reports we read that refute parents’ claims gloss over the fact that the change is dramatic, clear, and immediate. We aren’t talking a change in behavior and ability weeks, months, or even days later. We’re talking about a 24-48 hour response to a vaccination. When any parent tells me his/her child was normal the day before a shot and autistic the next day I am infuriated when I read reports from the scientific community that deny the possibility of cause and effect.
We are bombarded with propaganda from pharmaceutical companies on a daily basis. We are taught to believe our government protects us. The truth is, our government protects the pharmaceutical companies, not us.
The news is finally reporting a possible connection between vaccinations and autism. But did we really need science to tell us this? Are we so disconnected from common sense we can’t open our eyes and see what’s right in front of us?