My Friend, the American Farmer

I’ve spent extensive time over the last five years in Detroit, Michigan, living there for periods, and visiting family. I can safely say, while I love Detroit, it’s not for me to call home. 

However, despite knowing that I wouldn’t live there permanently, there is one place that lives in my heart forever, that I think fondly of every Saturday, and that is the Eastern market farmers market. 

The Eastern market, located just outside downtown Detroit, is hands down the greatest farmers market I have ever been to, and while my dad says there are a few out there that are better, he’s yet to take me to any of them. 

The eastern market is my Disneyland. It’s one of my most favorite places on earth, and I can’t help but feel like all my friends are in the same place every time I visit.

My friends, the American farmers. 

It’s no secret to most that the American food system is and has been in jeopardy for a long time. If covid taught us anything, it’s that our food systems are weak, and any little bump in the road could cause the system to collapse, leaving many without access to the food they need to survive. The solution to this is simple, but not easy. We have to put the power back in the hands of the people, back into the hands of the consumer, and most importantly we have to put the dollar back in the hand of the American farmer. 

There is something so unique and special about the relationship one can cultivate with their farmer when they really get to know them. I was pondering this on my very long drive from Detroit to Atlanta. 

I had a trunk full of food. I came back with a ½ bushel of apples, 15 pounds of beef, four dozen eggs, three bags of flour, three different raw cheeses, a bag of locally made granola, and a few other assorted items. I was so excited about this haul and had been waiting until I could get up to Detroit on a Saturday so I could stock up on the things I had been missing. 

I bit into an apple that I bought from Travis and was immediately reminded why I love them-and him- so much. These are the best apples I’ve ever had. They’re sweet and tart with a slightly lemon-y taste. They’re reminiscent of the sweet tart candy, truly, and they are appropriately named “Ludacrisp”. I have never had a better apple, especially not down south. 

As I was enjoying this apple I was genuinely overcome with my love and affection for these people that grow and make my food. I began to think about how truly fortunate I was, how truly miraculous it was that I had just had an extensive conversation with my apple guy about his wife and family. His wife was nine months pregnant, due any day, they were having twins, he was so excited, but nervous, like he was for the first baby, but even more so this time. These are their 4th and 5th babies. We had brought him some old children’s books the boys were no longer reading, and he was thrilled. We talked about thanksgiving, the magic of the holidays, the excitement of the new babies, how the other children were feeling about the babies, how my travels had been, and anything else we could think of. Then, I bought my half a bushel of apples, and carried on my way. Not to sound dramatic, but I felt like I could taste the love in the apples. How special it was to know that Travis had grown these apples on his family farm, that they were his favorite apples, although sometimes the kids prefer the less tart varieties they grow, how lucky I was to experience this farm to table moment. 

I came on a mission for four things. Beef, apples, cheese, and flour. I walked up to Hyatt farms, so excited to see Denis, and Emma, but mostly excited for the ground beef. Five dollars a pound for the best ground beef you’ll ever eat. Sometimes it feels too good to be true. I lived off ground beef and scrambled eggs when I was in Detroit and I had missed it since leaving.

Dennis and I were happy to see each other as we also talked about my travels and where I was headed next. I told him I had traveled specifically to stock up on ground beef. We laughed and chatted for several minutes and I left with a big full of meat to last me the next few months. 

I headed to Randy next, our milk guy. He may have been the most excited to see me. He appreciates my affinity for vintage dresses and says that I remind him of the women he knew in the 90’s back when we saw more traditional displays of femininity more often. This was a special moment for me, and from then on, he would often compliment whatever vintage dress I had dawned that day. He also grows the best flour and cornmeal I’ve ever had, and sells the greatest raw cheese and milk. His face lit up when I approached, and we, too, talked for several minutes before I stocked up and left. 

The meaningfulness of these connections may seem exaggerated, but this is what food is supposed to be. This is what food was for the longest time. It’s only recently that we’ve begun to lose sight of the connection from the farmer to consumer, and even before then we were the farmers ourselves. In a world where we hardly know where our food comes from anymore, to get to have such close personal relationships with my farmers means the world to me, and I share these stories in hopes that you too can build these relationships with your local farmer as well. Become a regular somewhere. Shop local as often as you can. Frequent the local farmers market. Big changes don’t happen overnight. They happen through small changes over time. 

The Downfall of the American education system

It’s been almost 10 years since my first high school band concert, although I remember it well. I was very nervous. I was a band kid through and through. I was hooked since my first day of band camp my freshman year. 

Band was something special. Not every kid participated, and not every kid felt about it the way I did, but the ones who understood, were some of my best friends. 

Band was not just an extra curricular activity that we did reluctantly because our parents asked us to, or something that appealed to the college board. Band was a way of life. I didn’t participate in a ton of extracurriculars outside of band, but having gotten older I can guess that this is not a unique feeling to band kids. Every student who was actively a part of something, not just coasting by, probably felt the experience that I did, and learned the lessons that I learned. 

Band taught us how to conduct and present ourselves as a group. We learned how to organize ourselves accordingly before walking on stage, sit down seamlessly at the same time, make sure each instrument was facing the same way and resting in the same position, pick up the instrument at the same time and make music together. Tune to the ear of those around you for a harmonious sound, and act as one. 

We learned how to take pride in our appearance, a well kept uniform, black shoes, simple elegant jewelry, no nails, nothing flashy, nothing that set one apart from the crown that might detract from the audience experience. It was about discipline, and respect for your peers in the band. We took pride and comfort in knowing that each person there was putting in the same kind of effort you were. We strived to motivate each other, hold practice sessions as a group, and encourage one another to do better. 

I spent hours upon hours with these people throughout my high school experience. They made me a better person, and they taught me so much. I don’t believe that I am alone in this experience. I am sure that most others who participated diligently in team activities feel this way about their team sport, and have experiences exclusive to the culture of their respective activity. 

In my opinion, and experience, these are the only things that make high school worth it. It’s these activities, not the education, that play such important roles in shaping the young minds of students into who they are going to become.

Tonight, however, after attending a high school band concert almost 10 years after my first high school band concert, things were different. 

At times I feel like I live in an echo chamber. My two younger brothers are homeschooled and I spend so much time with others who feel the way I do about the public education system I almost forget that there are those out there who still believe in it. Not only do they believe in it, they trust it enough to turn their kids over to it. The thought horrifies me. And it should horrify you too. 

Tonight I witnessed a group of students so incapable of conducting themselves properly I couldn’t believe it. All sense of decorum and dignity seemed to fly out the window. Kids clambered on stage noisily in between bands, playing their instruments haphazardly while awaiting their band director, who could not have been much older than me, to give them further instruction. I watched a child walk on to the stage, pull his phone out of his pocket to check it, and then sit down in his chair before playing. I watched girls giggle and chatter in between songs on stage, I heard children laugh and chat endlessly in the audience while their fellow peers performed. A student in a reindeer onesie lept out on stage in front of everyone to solo on the slapstick during Sleigh ride, while another student put on a horse mask to then mimic the “neigh” sound featured on the trumpet at the end of the song. 

This had nothing to do with the music. Rather the music was good or bad, the attitude and general demeanor of the group should stay the same. Integrity should be present everywhere you try your best, and I did not see these kids try their best. 

I began to ponder, if you asked any of these kids what they cared about most in the world I wonder what it would be. What do their dreams and fantasies look like, what motivates them to work hard, what encourages them to do better and keep growing?

I bet many of them wouldn’t have answers. 

While it may not seem obvious on the surface, this feels intrinsically connected to the health of our young people. It’s my belief that the over medicated and overly processed world we live in is creating kids who are not going to be able to function in society in a healthy way. Of course, this isn’t a new thing, and it’s not just the medications and the foods we consume, it’s the parenting and the way they’re raised. It seems clear to me that we have a grown generation of children who are already so damaged from the processed foods and the medications, and the environmental toxins, that they, in turn, are unable to raise a generation of healthy kids. Kids today are sicker than ever, with higher rates or depression, autism, obesity, and chronic illness many are beginning to wonder where we went wrong.

They’ve never known anything but the mediation for every problem, but corn flakes and fruit loops for breakfasts, dozens of vaccines since birth, and they’re turning around and producing children even more damaged than themselves. 

I’m not the only one who feels this way. Teachers have reported an increase in uncontrollable children who are simply unable to control themselves. Students who can’t handle the word “no”, Students who can’t self-regulate when they don’t get their way, students who will not be able to emerge into society as functioning adults at the rate that they are going. 

Many don’t seem to know the solution to this, however the solution is simple. Simple, but not easy. Fix the food. Get rid of the medications, and learn to use the word “No”. 

The behavior I saw exhibited over two hours at a high school band concert instilled a new confidence in me at my choice to homeschool my kids. While I don’t have children yet, I can say with certainty, one thing I will never do is subject them to the kind of horrors that seem to go on in public school in this day and age. 

We don’t want normal kids any more. That seems to be the argument for public schooling. “I want normal kids”. What does that even mean anymore? Normal has skewed so far beyond what we once thought that you are sure to find more traditional normalcy in a kid who grew up barefoot on a farm than a kid who made it through all 12 years of public school. I know I’m not alone in this and I am hopeful for a future generation that experiences more home schooling, and less public schooling. 

Why The Crunchy Moms and Hippies Have United Around Bobby Kennedy

I believe that Bobby Kennedy single handedly won Trump the presidential election. While he has many great forces behind him, and the endorsement of Elon Musk and Joe Rogan certainly didn’t hurt, I don’t think that he would have won the election without the endorsement and avid support of Robert F Kennedy Jr. 

While the holistic health folks are celebrating the win of Bobby, and celebrating even further still at the nomination of Bobby as the secretary of the HHS, many are dreading this decision and the changes that are (hopefully) to come from this choice. 

Those who primarily follow mainstream media outlets may have fallen for the narrative that Kennedy wants to remove all the processed food from your grocery store shelves, and ensure that no child ever receives a vaccine again. Many believe his ideas to be radical and dangerous, and more still think he is not to be trusted. 

However, I think that the election of Kennedy into the department of HHS is one of the best things to happen to this country in a long time. The Make America Healthy Again campaign is not something to fear, but is rather, a deeply necessary movement for the future of our children. We are headed down a dangerous path. With obesity numbers higher than ever, and chronic illness running rampant through our country, we have to ask the question why. We also have to ask the question why us? Other countries don’t seem to be struggling with the obesity and chronic disease epidemic that we are. 

It’s my belief, and one might see this as a logical conclusion to make, that the reason our country struggles so much more with these issues than other is because of the laundry list of toxic pollutants and chemicals, in, on and around our food that are banned in other countries. Additionally, our lack of education, and the environment our kids grow up in, has resulted in a generation of kids who are practically sedentary. 

For what it’s worth, Kennedy does not want to ban vaccines, and fast food. He does however want to remove fluoride from the water, and if this scares you, your research is about 30 years behind. Fluoride can lower IQ’s and result in the calcification of the pineal gland over time, and it needs to go. For the record, I, like many holistic people don’t want to ban vaccines or fast food. What we want, what I think most of us want and what we hope Kennedy will do, is create a world where we are not judged, ridiculed or shamed for the way we choose to raise our kids. A world where people understand us when we say we’ve chosen not to vaccinate, or our kids don’t eat Yellow #5 or Red #40, and we’re not at risk for losing our kids and most importantly, a world where those who don’t have the time or desire to feed their kids the way we do, are not actively poisoning their children. 

We’re not into shaming. I’m not judging you for buying your kids corn flakes. I’m not judging you for picking up fast food for dinner, again, because you’re just too tired to cook. I want us all to live in a world where if you choose to do that for your family, the government is protecting you from the chemicals that you’re currently consuming without awareness, where informed consent is REAL, and you really and truly know what you’re getting yourself into when you get your child vaccinated or when you accept that hormonal birth control prescription. We are hoping that RFK moves us in the direction of a happier healthier society, because what we have right now isn’t working. 

Guide to Eco-friendly Shaving

Our bodies naturally produce body hair to protect us from the elements. The healthiest most natural thing you can do with your body hair is to leave it the way it is. American society has worked very hard to promote hairless bodies as the norm, despite the problems with it. Body hair preferences should be left up to each individual person. Should you decide that you do want to get rid of your body hair, I’ve created a guide for the best way to do this for your health and the environment.

I was no-shave for years. As a teenager in high school, I became fed up with the societal pressure and standard of beauty for women surrounding their body hair. I decided to give it up. I knew that choice was better for the environment and by far the best alternative to eco-friendly shaving, buying a reusable razor, and making my own shaving cream. Yes, skipping it all together was by far the best option.

That was three years ago. I’ve learned quite a bit since my experiment. I’ve learned that people today really don’t care what you do with your body hair. I’ve learned that shaving takes a lot of time, and since giving it up, I’ve saved time, water, and money. I’ve also learned that I prefer the look and feel of shaved legs. All other body hair is fine. I’ve even grown to appreciate it. But I couldn’t shake missing the look and feel of shaved legs. So I took the plunge and decided to give it a shot again.

My sister had some extra razors laying around, so I borrowed one and used some soap she had on hand (that I deemed better that her shaving cream). Here’s what I found.

If I’m not taking proper care of myself and I’m not eating as well as I should, if I use cheap razors and soap, the inflammation in my body can cause some minor razor bumps.

Regular soap is terrible. It dries out my skin and furthers the minor irritation I was feeling as a result of the inflammation.

Smooth legs are great, but they don’t last very long. Without a super close shave, within 12 hours my leg hair is already growing back. So as much as I enjoy shaved legs, it probably won’t be a regular thing for me.

Lastly, I found cheap razors do not deliver a close shave. They’re really terrible.

Regular razors and regular shaving cream can often cause razor burn and other skin irritation. This, more often than not, is a health problem caused by too much inflammation. Using a high-quality simple shaving cream with a safety razor (along with the proper diet) can help eliminate this problem.

Your disposable razor is doing more harm to the environment than you realize. Just like straws and plastic bags, razors are another disposable plastic product that is ending up in our landfills and oceans. The EPA reported in the 1990s that America produced 2 billion disposable razors and blades a year. Recent reports show that 163 million people buy disposable razors each year.

In addition to the environmental impacts, plastic is a known carcinogen. Using your plastic disposable razor won’t cause cancer all on its own, but we should all be actively working to detoxify from plastic toxicity and avoid it whenever possible. The culmination of our massive plastic use coupled with our poor diets and inability to detox has ultimately led to a society that is much sicker than it used to be.

So, what’s the alternative? If your disposable razors are wreaking havoc on the environment as well as irritating your skin, and the no-shave lifestyle isn’t for you, I’ve got an alternative.

Safety Razors

Safety razors are reusable razors similar in design to your current disposable razor. The big difference is that you don’t throw them away. They use a single razor blade that you replace when necessary. The single blade design coupled with the weight of the razor delivers a closer shave than your modern disposable razor.

Safety razors have been around for generations, and they seem to be making a comeback. Shaving enthusiasts enjoy the process of shaving with a quality safety razor. Most people find they deliver a closer, smoother shave with less irritation.

Similar to reusable menstrual products, safety razors can be a bigger investment initially, but save money in the long run. You can buy a quality safety razor for under $50, and then you may never have to buy another one again.

For the purpose of this article, I bought a vintage Gillette safety razor for around $15. You can buy a safety razor new, but if the environment is your top priority, buying used is best. You’ll also be likely to get a better razor for your money if you buy vintage.

Through my research, I decided to go with Gillette, because Gillette safety razors from the 1940s-1970s seem to be widely considered some of the best safety razors available.

I tested out the safety razor with three different shaving creams: Skintimate shaving cream, Dr. Bronner’s shaving soap, and homemade shaving cream.

Shaving with a safety razor is slightly different than shaving with a disposable razor. There’s no need to apply pressure like you would with a multi-blade disposable razor. Just hold the razor at a 45-degree angle and allow the weight of the razor to cut the hair. The weight of the razor and the sharpness of the blade is enough to deliver a close shave without the extra pressure. It might take some time to get the hang of the new technique. It can be easier to knick yourself with a safety razor, especially when you’re first learning to use it. Using the razor is not my area of expertise, so this article goes into detail about how to use a safety razor.

The safety razor did provide a closer shave than a regular razor, although I’m not sure I would have noticed much of a difference between the two had I not heard that safety razors provide a closer shave.

In order to ensure the closest shave possible, you should exfoliate beforehand. I didn’t! Getting the closest shave wasn’t my top priority, so I didn’t go through the process of making an exfoliator at home. Not to mention the process of exfoliating can irritate the skin.

I washed my legs first in an attempt to scrub some of the dirt off and used hot water to make sure the hair follicles were soft enough. Using the safety razor was very simple. I was worried I would have to be extra careful to ensure that I didn’t cut myself, but it was easy. I found that shorter strokes worked better compared to the longer strokes you might use with a disposable multi-blade razor.

Shaving Cream

Shaving creams, like most soaps and face washes, are full of synthetic fragrances and chemicals that are bad for your health and can irritate your skin. Going to the store and buying a disposable can of shaving cream for a couple of bucks only to throw it away in a couple of months is definitely not something I’ve missed since giving up shaving. However, for the sake of this article, I went to the store, bought a can of shaving cream, tested it out, and compared it to my homemade method. I also compared the cheap shaving cream to Dr. Bronner’s shaving soap.

The homemade shaving cream I tried was super simple and only had three ingredients. It was also a lot of fun to make!

  • 1 cup of Dr. Bronner’s Pure Castile soap
  • 3/4 cup of Baking soda
  • 1 1/2 cup of Water

Read the original recipe here. It goes into more detail, but it’s pretty simple. Stir all your ingredients together on the stove and heat on medium-high. After the ingredients foam up to the rim of the pot, remove it from the heat and allow it to cool. After it cools, take out the foam that has separated from the liquid, with a slotted spoon. In another bowl whip the foam to the consistency that you like, and then store it in a mason jar.

The cheap shaving cream from the drugstore caused skin irritation. It burned slightly upon application and later, my skin was itchy. I broke out in razor bumps almost immediately, and it dried out my skin more than the other ones did.

Dr. Bronner’s shave soap works just fine. It wasn’t a miracle product that amazed me, but it’s a perfectly good shaving soap and it’s high quality. It’s a little on the pricey side, and it might be hard to find outside of a health food store.

All of the products dried out my skin at least to some degree. I find that anytime I use soap, no matter how good it is, it does dry out my skin as it strips my body of its natural oils. If you find that soap dries out your skin as well, I would recommend using coconut oil on your legs after you shave, as opposed to a regular lotion.

I recommend the homemade version above any other version. It’s by far the most affordable and gets the job done just as well if not better than any shaving cream I’ve bought at a store. This version also has the lowest carbon footprint, since you’re making it yourself.


I don’t shower on a regular basis, so I won’t be shaving all the time, But when I do, I’ll be using a safety razor and homemade shaving cream. Do not underestimate the power of a good quality shaving cream. I noticed a massive difference between the cheap can I picked up from the drug store and the shaving cream I made at home.

For the most organic/eco-friendly lifestyle, I would recommend forgoing shaving altogether, but I get that that’s not realistic for everyone. If you are going to shave, making your own shaving cream and using a safety razor are likely your best options, both for your health and the environment. If you make the switch from a disposable razor and cheap shaving cream to eco-friendly alternatives, you’ll likely notice a difference.


Joel Salatin is Offered USDA Position

Earlier this evening, the day after Donald Trump was elected president of the United States (again), news broke that Joel Salatin has been offered a position by the Trump team within the USDA, and he has accepted. 

“I’ve been contacted by the Trump transition team to hold some sort of position within the USDA and have accepted one of the six “Advisor to the Secretary” spots.  My favorite congressman, Thomas Massie from Kentucky, has agreed to go in as Secretary of Agriculture.”
The Lunatic Farmer

Read the full statement on his website here.

For those who don’t know, Joel Salatin is a regenerative organic farmer. We interviewed him several years ago, while the article is quite old you can read it here if you’re interested. 

Joel Salatin has made many appearances on the Joe Rogan podcast and written several books on his experience in regenerative agriculture. It is my belief that the Trump administration offering him this position was an excellent move towards the promised “Make America Healthy Again” campaign that Trump and Kennedy ran on. 

Additionally, it appears as though Thomas Massie has been offered the position of Secretary of Agriculture. According to his website both Joel Salatin and Thomas Massie have accepted their offers. While I know less about Thomas Massie, a quick search on social media shows him pictured with guys like RFK jr while being a staunch advocate for the legalization of raw milk, which is a positive in our book. 

For more on my thoughts and feelings about this election, read this article. 

The Case For Trump

Despite the fact that the data indicates the majority of the country has voted for this decision, it feels as though I am alone in a crowd. It seems everyone I know, everyone I live with, all my friends and many of my family members, voted for Kamala Harris or declined to vote at all, and many saw this as a dire life threatening situation. Truly, life threatening. 

However, despite the discourse, despite what my friends and family have done, I did not vote for Kamala Harris. Nor did I sit this election out in protest. I, as a lifelong leftist, voted for Donald Trump. 

It’s unfortunate for me to say that I genuinely believe that me coming out as a Trump supporter will permanently alter my relationship with many of my friends. I could be wrong, but I don’t think I am. Of course, I have to ask myself how much I really want to be close with people who feel this way about me. Who would be so quick to dismiss me after having known me for years, because of a personal choice I’ve made. 

I do not do this in shame or in silence. Rather, I wish I could shout it from the rooftops. However, for certain reasons I don’t think this wise. I think it could have a negative impact on some of my future job opportunities, and developing business relationships. So for this reason, I will be loud where I can.

I may come to regret this. Trump may bomb children in third world countries, start major wars, and block progress that I am desperately hoping for on the health front . However, I have voted not against Kamala Harris but rather for Donald Trump and the things he claims he is going to do. 

I believe that Trump and Kennedy’s Make America Healthy Again campaign may be the single most important campaign a presidential candidate has run on in my lifetime, and maybe even my parents lifetime. I believe that as a country, making Americans healthy again should be our number one priority. This will raise a future generation of happy, healthy, adults who can make level headed decisions, thus continuing to run our country as it needs to be run. As it stands now, I think the children of America are headed down a dark path. I am hoping Kennedy can change that. 

Never in history, to my knowledge, have we seen so many democrats changing their tune and joining the republican party in support of Donald Trump, never before has a member of the Kennedy family teamed up with the republican party to endorse a republican candidate. The team up of Robert F Kennedy Jr and Donald Trump is unprecedented and amazing. 

Kennedy is not perfect on every issue. In my mind he’s too pro-isreal, which could easily result in an unnecessary war, however, I can’t think of another man (at least one this mainstream) better suited to fixing the health of the American people. The man has brought the issues of vaccines, flouride in the water, the corruption of Anthony Fauci, the obesity epidemic, the poison in our food, all into the mainstream and I could go on. It is my opinion that he has single handedly made this a priority in the Trump campaign. 

Never before have I seen a candidate who is this intent on prioritizing the health and wellbeing of the American people, in such a genuine and authentic manner. He is a man who will not be suppressed by big pharma, and the powers that be. He is a man who will serve the American people first, who has, seemingly, joined a man who will do the same in his presidency. 

Being for the people means putting the people first even in times when it is not easy, when it may be uncomfortable, and when it may mean teaming up with people whose ideology doesn’t perfectly align with yours. Kennedy and Trump have paved the path for this. 

And then, when we thought it couldn’t get any better, we get Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk, and the cherry on top of the Sunday, the last minute endorsement from the man himself, Joe Rogan. 

All of these people are incredibly influential lifelong democrats. None of them are perfect, all have done things I disagree with, and supported policies I would not vote for. However, I think they are united by one very important thing: Putting the American people first. Putting the American people above profits, above the lobbyists, above big business. 

Now, the make America Healthy Campaign is the number one reason I voted for Donald Trump, but not the only reason. 

To set the record straight, Trump has said numerous times that he does not want to instate a national abortion ban. Abortion numbers are actually up since the overturning of Roe v Wade. Additionally, Kamala Harris does not have the power to reinstate Roe V Wade. Lastly, The queen herself, Ruth Bader Ginsburg supported the overturning of Roe V Wade because doing so would put the power back in the hands of people, making it a democratic issue that the people could vote on. 

Additionally, Trump does not have any plans to take rights away from LGBTQ+ people. Trump, like many others, does not support gender reassignment surgery, or hormone blockers, for minors, and guess what? Neither do I. I believe Trump is the candidate who will do the most to protect our children. 

Lastly, Trump has been time and time again compared to Hitler, called a fascist and a dictator by the democratic party and their supporters. We’ve been told democracy is at stake. However, I am of the opinion that the party who stages a coup to remove the sitting president and usher in their preferred candidate without a vote is more of a threat to democracy. 

I could go on. There are many more points to make, however, again, the biggest reasoning for me is the Make America Healthy Again movement. 

This will not be a perfect presidency. Trump is not a perfect man. There is much work to do and I am desperately hoping that progress will be made in the right direction for a healthier, happier America. 

It is for these reasons that I proudly voted for Donald Trump for president of the United States.

The Four Phases of the Menstrual Cycle

Women operate on a 28 day hormone cycle composed of four phases, the menstrual phase, the follicular phase, the ovulatory phase, and the luteal phase. 

Most women are probably familiar with the menstrual phase, and the ovulatory phase but many are not taught about all four phases in school, or how they affect the body, and each phase can affect the body in very drastic ways. Women can go through life feeling completely different week to week without even knowing why. If you’ve ever experienced the feeling of being on top of the world for a week, and then down in the slumps the next with no real logic or reasoning behind it, odds are you’re just transitioning from your ovulation phase to the luteal phase. These phases can go so far as to alter our face shape, in addition to our weight, and mood, so no, it’s not all in your head. 

I was one of those women who grew up not knowing about each of these four phases or really having any understanding of how my body worked and what it was designed to do. It took years of my adult life to learn this information and get in tune enough with my body to embrace these changes that we go through every month. 

I’ve broken down the four phases of the menstrual cycle below. While researching for this article it became clear to me that we are still learning about a lot of this information. Women’s health has not been researched or studied the same way men have. It just recently became known that women do in fact need more sleep than men, and the amount of sleep they need may vary at different times of the month. It seemed clear to me through my reading that the human body is complex, and this is a fluid cycle with some phases overlapping each other, some phases shorter, some longer but all equally important. 

The menstrual phase: 

The menstrual phase begins on the first day of your cycle and lasts anywhere between 3-7 days. Typically 3-5 days is considered healthy, 7 days is normal. Any longer than that is an indicator that your hormones are unbalanced, or a symptom of a greater problem. The menstrual phase is the shedding of the uterine lining to rid the body of the unfertilized egg. 

We’re all familiar with this. We often feel cranky and exhausted because our body is working over time. That being said, the menstrual cycle doesn’t have to be a time of extreme pain or discomfort. With a healthy diet and lifestyle, cramps can be eliminated. This is a great time to rest a little more than you usually would. Maybe do some yoga rather than a HITT class (although if you have the energy for an intensive workout, by all means go with the flow) This is a great time to get an extra hour of sleep at night or even take a nap if your lifestyle allows for it. Warm easy to digest foods can be a comfort during this phase of your cycle. 

Unfortunately, we live in a world where most people are forced to work all day outside the home regardless of the phase of their cycle, and they are constantly going against their body’s intuition, and are often expected to perform at the same level as they would in their follicular or ovulatory phase when their energy levels are higher. 

It is my personal opinion that this has created a generation of women who are both entirely out of tune with their natural cycles, and also deeply hateful towards their natural cycles, thinking of them as something to be suppressed and avoided at all costs instead of what really is- the ability to create and grow life, which is undoubtedly the greatest gift.  

During the menstrual phase the body is shedding its uterine lining to release your body’s unfertilized egg. It is common during this phase to gain weight, although it is mostly water weight and will come back off in your follicular phase. 

Follicular phase:

Your follicular phase is the longest phase in the menstrual cycle, it begins on the first day of menstruation and ends when you begin ovulation. On the tail end of your follicular phase, after menstruation ends you will likely notice your energy levels start to rise again. Your follicular phase is responsible for your egg being released from the ovaries for fertilization. One egg will reach maturity faster than the others and will be released from the ovarian follicles, through the fallopian tube. During this time, your body transitions into ovulation, and the egg is either fertilized and you become pregnant, or the egg dies and is released during your period. 

Ovulation phase:

This is typically your highest energy time of your cycle, and obviously, when you are ovulating. Your ovulation cycle is actually the only time you can get pregnant during your cycle, and your ovulation phase is typically around six days. During your ovulation phase your body is releasing an egg from your ovaries to allow it the opportunity to be fertilized. This time period is only 24-48 hours generally, and if the egg is not fertilized in this time, it will die, and be released during your period. The entire ovulation phase lasts about 6 days. Sperm can last in the uterus for up to 6 days before it dies, and if you have active sperm in your uterus within your ovulation window, then there is a good chance your egg will be fertilized. 

This is important for cycle tracking and syncing. If you’re using the family planning method of birth control, it is imperative to know when your ovulation window is so you know when you are most at risk of getting pregnant. 

Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your current situation, this is when women naturally have the highest libido. Your body is quite literally preparing itself for sex, because this is the time when you should have sex in order to get pregnant. Try as you might, biology can be hard to fight. You may notice your libido increase during this time, your discharge may become thinner, and there may be more of it, and if you track your body’s basal body temperature, you’ll notice a slight increase in temperature around this time. 

Ovulation typically takes place 14 days before menstruation, in a healthy 28 day cycle. As previously mentioned, this is typically the highest energy phase of your cycle. This is a great time for intensive cardio or HITT workouts. Women often talk about feeling “unstoppable” or “on top of the world” during the ovulation phase, many women experience an increase in dopamine, and overall happy feelings. 

Many women, even those who are not particularly in tune may notice a difference in their appearance, or feel more attractive during ovulation. We’ve all felt the menstruation slump, feeling kind of blah right before or on your period but not everyone is in tune enough to experience the opposite while ovulating. But if you have ever experienced this- it’s not just you, and it’s not all in your head. There’s a kind of aura one radiates during ovulation- an aura of fertility. On a biological level, fertility is very attractive to people. It’s a sign of health, youth, and vitality. You’re less bloated, we experience an increase in estrogen, which can quite literally make your skin “glow” some women even notice a very subtle change in their face shape, and if you have a partner who is very in tune, and you live a natural lifestyle, they may even be able to smell when you’re ovulating as our pheromones can change slightly, making us smell better to certain people. 

Luteal phase: 

The luteal phase is the last phase of your cycle occurring after ovulation. The uterine lining and cervical mucus thicken to either prepare for pregnancy or to be shed and the egg is released into the uterus either for fertilization or to be released from the body. This is the phase of your cycle where you’re likely to experience PMS symptoms. Estrogen and progesterone levels rise. At this point either the egg is fertilized and ready for pregnancy, or you shed your uterine lining and begin the process over again. 

As this is the phase where you experience “PMS” fatigue, irritability and bloating are all common symptoms of this phase of your cycle. Taking B vitamins regularly leading up to your luteal phase and through your period can help alleviate some of the worse symptoms of your luteal phase, including mood swings and premenstrual depression. Eating a balanced and diverse diet full of whole foods and vegetables, and generally living a healthy lifestyle can also help eliminate these symptoms. If you do all these things, and still find that you are fatigued or drained during this time of the month, that is common and even normal. An extra hour of sleep or an afternoon nap if possible can help with this. Sometimes the best thing you can do is listen to your body, especially if your body is generally functioning at healthy optimum levels. 

BIrth Control:

Just in case you were wondering- hormonal birth control negates ALL of this. Hormonal birth control doesn’t even allow for ovulation. 

In fact, hormonal birth control only works because it prevents the natural process of ovulation, making sure the egg cannot be fertilized. There has been all sorts of research to indicate that hormonal birth control can radically change our bodies’ natural cycles, and affect us in radical ways, down to who we’re attracted to. 

Research indicates that women on hormonal birth control are typically attracted to less “manly” men, or men who are lower in testerone. There have been instances of women getting off hormonal birth control and later breaking up with their partners because they are no longer attracted to them, having had their preferences so skewed that they were with someone who did not align with their actual natural preferences in a partner. The book “Your Brain on Birth Control” talks more about this phenomenon. 

Each of our hormonal phases serves a different purpose and has value. Modern conditions and health standards have painted a picture of a tortured 10 days of mood swings, followed by bleeding, and cramps. Just because this is the prevailing narrative doesn’t mean that this is healthy or normal. Women can experience pain free periods, and menstruation can be a time to honor your body’s natural gift of bearing children. Even I have a hard time with this, it feels each month when my period comes around I’m once again reminded that I am no step closer to having a baby, and the bleeding isn’t what’d I’d call fun or comfortable, but still it doesn’t have to be a miserable week and you can do everything your normally would, without the need for pain medication or hormonal birth control. Learning about these phases is an important step to getting in tune with your body.