The water bottle brand Starkey, produced by Whole Foods, has tested positive for high levels of arsenic according to tests from Consumer Reports. Starkey water is sold by Whole Foods and is also available at Amazon.
Consumer Reports tested dozens of water bottle brands and found that Starkey water contained high levels of arsenic, ranging from 9.45 to 10.1 ppb (parts per billion). These numbers are nearly 3 times higher than any other water bottle brand tested and is very close to the federal regulations limit of 10 ppb. Data was collected from 4 samples of water, and only one sample tested above federal regulations.
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Arsenic is a dangerous heavy metal that has been linked to health problems such as a higher risk of cardio vascular disease, cancers, and lower IQ scores in children. Experts do not believe that the federal regulations for arsenic protect the health of the public.
A 2014 study in the journal Environmental Health found that an arsenic level of 5 ppb or greater in a child’s household water supply was associated with a 5- to 6-point reduction in IQ, compared with those who lived in homes that had arsenic levels below 5 ppb.
Bottled Water Made by Whole Foods and Sold on Amazon Contains High Levels of Arsenic
Many consumers are paying more for bottled water under the impression that it is safer. New Jersey and New Hampshire have both lowered the level of acceptable arsenic in water to 5 ppb. Many consumers would probably be surprised to know that there are stricter regulations for arsenic in tap water than bottled water. California requires distributors to disclose if their water has arsenic levels higher than 5 ppb.
To know what’s in your water you can look at the companies water quality tests reports. Consumer reports has compiled a list of more than 120 water bottle brands.