Bill Maher Skeptical of Booster Shot
A study came out of Isreal recently that suggested that those with natural immunity to Covid-19 may be better protected than those who are vaccinated. Sanjay Gupta on CNN asked Anthony Fauci if those with natural immunity should still be vaccinated. “That’s a really good point, Sanjay, I don’t have a really good answer for you on that.” Said, Fauci.
In a recent Bill Maher episode with two panelists, Bill Maher expressed distrust towards big Pharma. Everyone is going to get Covid. There is no getting rid of it. Biden’s director of Covid’s response has confirmed this. Yet many are still pushing for vaccines and claiming that we will never be safe from Covid until everyone is vaccinated.
“The world recognizes natural immunity. We don’t. Because everything in this country has to go through the pharmaceutical companies. Natural immunity is the best immunity. We shouldn’t fire people who don’t get the vaccine because they have natural immunity, we should hire them.”
The hospitalization rate for the unvaccinated is 0.89%. A poll suggested that 41% of Democrats believed that the rate of hospitalization for the unvaccinated was more than 50%.