Remember when it was one in sixty? The CDC reported one in fifty-nine children were diagnosed with autism last year using data from 2014. But now a new study based on the 2016 National Survey of Children’s Health estimates that the number of children with autism spectrum disorder has grown to one in forty children (2.5%). The new study indicates this disorder now effects an estimated 1.5 million U.S. kids between the ages of 3 to 17. Parents that were included reported their child had received a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder and stated that the child currently had the condition.
It’s important to note that the ways these two studies gathered information is different. The new study relies on parents to report their information. The information is not validated by medical records. The CDC report did validate such claims. CNN got an emailed quote from Thomas Frazier, chief science officer of Autism Speaks. He was not involved in the new report.
Prevalence is not growing that rapidly, although the CDC’s data suggests it is still growing. What is happening is that these studies use methods that are a bit more liberal and inclusive than the CDC’s methods,” Frazier said, adding that he prefers the CDC’s numbers but understands “that they are likely a bit conservative.” – Thomas Frazier
Many within the natural health community believe that vaccines are to blame for the ever-increasing percentage of children with autism or Aspergers. There is a correlation. Even so, it’s important to note the increase in autism rates also correlates with glyphosate use and circumcision. Poor gut health appears to be a common factor as well.
- Autism Correlates with Circumcision
- How To Heal Your Gut
- How To Detoxify and Heal From Vaccinations – For Adults and Children
- Autism, Gut Health, Obesity, the MMR Vaccine, and Andrew Wakefield–PNAYeo