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My Friend, the American Farmer
I’ve spent extensive time over the last five years in Detroit, Michigan, living there for periods, and visiting family. I can safely say, while I love Detroit, it’s not for me to call home.
However, despite knowing that I wouldn’t… [read]

The Downfall of the American education system
It’s been almost 10 years since my first high school band concert, although I remember it well. I was very nervous. I was a band kid through and through. I was hooked since my first day of band camp my… [read]

Why The Crunchy Moms and Hippies Have United Around Bobby Kennedy
I believe that Bobby Kennedy single handedly won Trump the presidential election. While he has many great forces behind him, and the endorsement of Elon Musk and Joe Rogan certainly didn’t hurt, I don’t think that he would have won… [read]

Guide to Eco-friendly Shaving
Our bodies naturally produce body hair to protect us from the elements. The healthiest most natural thing you can do with your body hair is to leave it the way it is. American society has worked very hard to promote… [read]

Joel Salatin is Offered USDA Position
Earlier this evening, the day after Donald Trump was elected president of the United States (again), news broke that Joel Salatin has been offered a position by the Trump team within the USDA, and he has accepted.
“I’ve been contacted… [read]

The Case For Trump
Despite the fact that the data indicates the majority of the country has voted for this decision, it feels as though I am alone in a crowd. It seems everyone I know, everyone I live with, all my friends and… [read]

The Four Phases of the Menstrual Cycle
Women operate on a 28 day hormone cycle composed of four phases, the menstrual phase, the follicular phase, the ovulatory phase, and the luteal phase.
Most women are probably familiar with the menstrual phase, and the ovulatory phase but many… [read]

A Quick Guide to My Kitchen Essentials
As the seasons change and the days grow colder I tend to spend more time in the kitchen than the warmer months. The warmth of the oven provides a kind of comfort that somehow previously seemed stifling in the August… [read]

The difference between Men and Women
I’m about to say something that to some, may seem controversial even though it is a fact of life.
Men and women are different. Fundamentally, biologically, and naturally men and women are different. There are some things that men are… [read]

The Desensitization of Our Emotions
The negative side effects of pornography have long been known by psychologist as well as most of the general public. One of the most prominent side effects that men experience is desensitization to the content that they consume. The longer… [read]

The toxicity in your Botox
If you’ve noticed an increase in the number of women on social media undergoing cosmetic procedures over the last few years, you’re not alone, and you’re not crazy.
While social media can make it appear as though “everyone” is doing… [read]

30 Days Instagram Free
I pride myself on being virtually vice free. There’s that old expression, “everyone has a vice”. I contemplate this sometimes and wonder what my vice might be. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t even drink coffee, I don’t… [read]

What is Deep Tissue Repair Oil
Deep tissue repair oil is one of the most helpful formulas in my arsenal of supplements and tinctures. I use it almost daily for a mired of different things. Primarily, as the name suggests, deep tissue repair oil is used… [read]

Sourdough starter care guide
Sourdough bread has become all the rage in recent years amongst the homesteading community, and beyond and while I myself just jumped on the trend about 5 years ago, the practice of making bread with a sourdough starter has been… [read]